Brorno is a digital marketplace which seeks to connect merchants and consumers within the same vicinity and affords the consumers the option of selecting from different delivery channels depending on their preference.
Brorno is available on Google play store and the Apple App Store.
You can sign into your account with your phone number and your password once you have registered.
You can register as a merchant through any of our agents or sign up by yourself on the mobile app
Simply click on the forgot password link on the login page in the app and follow the guide to reset your password.
Search for products or look them up under the listed categories to make a request for the product
Select order from your order history and cancel the order. Amount paid for the item will be refunded, but delivery charges are non-refundable.
Yes, you can update or cancel an existing order.
You will receive a notification once a merchant responds to your order.
If you receive no response for you order after five minutes, your payment will be refunded, and the order cancelled.
You can opt to have your order delivered to you or picked up from merchant.
You can make payments in-app using mobile money.
Your payment is securely kept in an Escrow account until you confirm receipt of your order, after which the money is transferred to the merchant.